Margaritas Nursery - Plant Nursery Kendall

Tropical herbs for sale in local Kendall plant nursery

Common Florida Herbs

In the warm, sun-kissed climate of Florida, a variety of herbs thrive, bringing flavor, fragrance, and beauty to any garden. Margaritas Gardens is proud to offer a selection of common Florida herbs that are perfect for both novice and experienced gardeners. From the robust flavors of basil and oregano to the soothing properties of lavender and mint, our nursery provides organic herb plants that can transform your garden into a haven of culinary and aromatic delights. With our expert guidance on planting herbs in Florida, including the best herbs to grow in your garden and tailored advice on herb care, soil, and fertilizer for herbs, growing herbs in Florida becomes a rewarding journey towards cultivating your own lush, edible landscape.

Fresh green cilantro leaves, organic herb close-up, house grown herb.

Popular Herbs

  • Basil
  • Cilantro
  • Mint
  • Oregano
  • Rosemary
  • Lemongrass
  • Thyme
  • Parsley

Best Herbs to Grow in Your Garden

For those looking to infuse their gardens with a touch of flavor and fragrance, certain herbs stand out as must-haves in the Florida climate. Margaritas Gardens recommends basil, rosemary, mint, and cilantro as some of the best herbs to grow in your garden, each chosen for their adaptability to Florida's warm conditions and their versatility in culinary uses. Basil thrives in the sunny, humid weather, offering fresh leaves for Italian dishes, while rosemary's drought tolerance makes it a perfect fit for Florida's sometimes challenging conditions. Mint and cilantro, on the other hand, can provide a continuous harvest, adding a burst of flavor to a variety of dishes. With our organic herb plants and expert advice on herb care, including the optimal soil for herbs and the right fertilizer for herbs, Margaritas Gardens ensures that your herb garden will be a fragrant, flavorful oasis in your backyard.

Growing Herbs in Florida

Growing herbs in Florida's unique climate offers a rewarding experience for gardeners, thanks to the state's warm temperatures and ample sunlight. Margaritas Gardens provides invaluable insights into the nuances of cultivating a thriving herb garden in this environment. Key to success is selecting herbs that are well-suited to the humid and warm conditions, such as lemongrass, sage, and thyme, which not only flourish here but also bring an array of flavors to your kitchen. We emphasize the importance of well-draining soil for herbs, regular but not excessive watering to prevent root rot, and the strategic use of fertilizer for herbs to ensure optimal growth. With these considerations in mind, Florida gardeners can enjoy the bountiful harvest of fresh, aromatic herbs right from their own backyard, enhancing both their gardens and their culinary creations.

How to Grow Your Own Herbs at Home

Cultivating a home herb garden is a delightful way to bring fresh flavors and fragrances into your daily life, and with the right approach, it's easier than you might think. Margaritas Gardens recommends starting with an herb planter or a dedicated small garden area where you can control soil quality and sunlight exposure. For beginners, starting with organic herb plants like basil, mint, and parsley can offer quick successes, as these herbs are not only versatile in the kitchen but also forgiving in the garden. Ensuring your herbs receive at least six hours of sunlight, are planted in well-draining soil, and are watered regularly without becoming waterlogged are key steps to success. Additionally, incorporating a gentle fertilizer for herbs can provide the nutrients they need to thrive. With these simple steps, anyone can grow their own herbs at home, creating a sustainable source of fresh flavors and adding a green touch to their living space.

Herbs Care

Proper care is essential to cultivate healthy, flourishing herbs, whether they're grown in a sunny Florida garden or indoors on a windowsill. At Margaritas Gardens, we stress the importance of understanding each herb's specific needs, from sunlight and water to soil and fertilizer. Most herbs prefer a spot that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight daily, along with well-draining soil to prevent root rot. Watering should be done judiciously; herbs like basil and cilantro require consistent moisture, whereas rosemary and thyme thrive with less. A balanced approach to fertilization, using a fertilizer formulated for herbs, can encourage lush growth without compromising the plants' aromatic qualities. Regular pruning not only keeps plants manageable and healthy but also stimulates the production of fresh, flavorful leaves. By following these care tips, gardeners can ensure their herb gardens remain vibrant and productive, enhancing both their dishes and their outdoor spaces.

Best Soil for Herbs

The foundation of any successful herb garden lies in using the best soil, which ensures that your herbs grow healthy and vibrant. Margaritas Gardens advocates for well-draining, nutrient-rich soil as the ideal medium for growing herbs, whether in Florida's outdoor gardens or in containers at home. A mix that incorporates organic matter, such as compost or peat moss, can improve both drainage and nutrient content, providing a conducive environment for herbs like parsley, thyme, and oregano. Additionally, maintaining a slightly acidic to neutral pH balance in the soil can further optimize herb growth and flavor intensity. For those looking to simplify their gardening efforts, a high-quality, organic potting mix specifically designed for herbs can be an excellent choice, eliminating guesswork and ensuring your herbs receive the right balance of air, nutrients, and moisture. With the right soil foundation, your herb garden is set to flourish, bringing fresh flavors and fragrances to your kitchen all year round.